Tagged: genre: horror



ParaNorman is an excellent 3D stop-motion film from Laika, the same creators of also awesome Coraline.


Oldboy (2003)

Dirty walls. A bed. A bathroom. A television. Meals that mysteriously appear three times a day. Complete and utter isolation. This is Oh Dae-su’s existence for 15 years.


Jack and Diane Trailer

Jack and Diane follows two teenage girls, Diane and Jack, who begin quite a physical romance, with Diane’s quirky soft demeanor cracking Jack’s coarse exterior until she finds out Diane is leaving the country and begins pushing her away.


Lima Film Festival 2012

The Lima Film Festival is at it again, celebrating Latin American films with the 16th edition of the event, set to start on August 3rd and run through August 11th in Lima, Peru.


In Latin America, The Dark Knight fears Brave?

Lima Rises against the third Batman film being released on July 26. However, Brave hogs the Peruvian theaters on the same weekend that The Dark Knight Rises premieres worldwide. Batman fears Brave?


May & June 2012

My entire list of new-to-me films for the months of May and June, as well as a decade breakdown and a few words on a few new favorites.