Tagged: genre: drama


Selma Trailer

The trailer for the Martin Luther King Jr. biopic starring David Oyelowo has been released online.



Interstellar is a movie everybody should watch. And if you like beautifully depicted crazy science and well acted family drama, you will enjoy this film.

Blomkamp’s Chappie Trailer

Chappie is about all the shenanigans that happen after a robot is discovered to have child-like curiosity, innocence and other characteristics, which threatens what humans perceived as the norm.


Faye Wong – Fleet of Time MV

Faye Wong, who’s been in charge of a couple movie themes lately, is also in charge of the theme song for the Mainland China drama Fleet of Time (匆匆那年).


Breaking Bad – Season 2

The second season of Breaking Bad sees Walter White and Jesse Pinkaman working on the meth cooking business and expanding their territory while also having to deal with personal issues of their own.