Tagged: john goodman


Red State (2011)

Red State is an impressive new leap for Kevin Smith that turns out to be more than the independent horror film that many claim it is.


YAM – Issue 008

Well, we’ve got reviews for Bright Star, Nine, Princess and the Frog, New York I Love You, Anvil: The Story of Anvil, Sa Dingding’s sophomore album Harmony, SNSD, 2AM, Mosquito-voice Kim JongKook, Modern Family, Nurse Jackie and more!

Plus! We’ve got articles on the direction of Chinese Pop music, our list of actresses that should get a cable show, and our picks that should have been Best Picture nominees at the Academy Awards.


Princess and the Frog, The

The Princess and the Frog, Disney’s return to classic 2D animation, takes on the well-known story of the princess who kisses the frog, who in turn magically transforms back into a prince… and gives it a little spin. And it’s obvious that the princess, who isn’t really a princess, turns into a frog instead.