Tagged: blake lively


Savages (2012)

Oliver Stone’s Savages displays compelling and frustrating characters along with gory crime scenes and beautiful scenery.

Hick Trailer 1

Hick Trailer

A Nebraska teen gets more than she bargained for when she sets out for the bright lights of Las Vegas.


YAM – Issue 012

Our latest and last issue as a PDF. This marks a new beginning for us, and marks the actual 2-month countdown for the opening of yam-mag.com. In this issue, McNeil from The Dark of the Matinee gives us a look at what was the Toronto Film Festival this year, and gives his thoughts on Let Me In, Black Swan, and Norwegian Wood.


Town, The (2010)

Adapted from the novel Prince of Thieves by Chuck Hogan, The Town tells the story of a group of bank robbers from the city of Charlestown in Boston. Passed from father to son as if it were traditional work.


YAM – Issue 008

Well, we’ve got reviews for Bright Star, Nine, Princess and the Frog, New York I Love You, Anvil: The Story of Anvil, Sa Dingding’s sophomore album Harmony, SNSD, 2AM, Mosquito-voice Kim JongKook, Modern Family, Nurse Jackie and more!

Plus! We’ve got articles on the direction of Chinese Pop music, our list of actresses that should get a cable show, and our picks that should have been Best Picture nominees at the Academy Awards.


New York, I Love You

Following the steps of Paris Je t’Aime, here comes the second installment of what seems to be a series of a cities anthologies by the hand of various directors around the world.