Category: features


The Milk of Sorrow & Peruvian Cinema

Claudia Llosa’s sophomore feature about Fausta, a young woman trying to find enough money to bury her mother, who after somany years of grieving has passed on. Some 25 years ago, Fausta’s mother was raped by terrorists, and as a result passed the traumatic experience to her now fearful daughter.


Coraline + Other Horrorific Films

Coraline is just another example of the line of great blends between fantasy and horror films. They have it all, art direction, music, a bizarre story, unique characters… they all mix together and seemingly create a brand new world bordering on real life and an alternate world where everything might be possible.


Hide Behind a Good Book

Parque Kennedy is by far one of my favorite places in Lima. Its benches are full of stories and some of our darkest secrets. The best place to mix books, make friends and meet the old ones. The fair opened its doors on Nov. 27th and every stand has something really good to offer.