Tagged: sharlto copley


Chappie (2015)

When his quest for a true free-will conscious program is over, engineer Deon Wilson secretly tests it on a police robot that’s been recently damaged on the field, resulting in the child-like Chappie.

Blomkamp’s Chappie Trailer

Chappie is about all the shenanigans that happen after a robot is discovered to have child-like curiosity, innocence and other characteristics, which threatens what humans perceived as the norm.



It really couldn’t be more perfect than the biggest movie star in the world playing one of the most fascinating Disney baddies in fairy tale history with much more zing, and added Angelina Jolie pizzazz.


YAM’s Most Anticipated Films of 2014

We took a little longer to get together and talk about the movies we wanted to watch this 2014… but here they are in all their glory. Over 60 films were in contention, but only 15 got the most votes.