Tagged: mood: artsy


Paul Smith, Gentleman Designer

Stéphane Carrel follows fashion designer Paul Smith to explain the idea of “maximizing Britishness,” which is the backbone of the brand he’s built for decades.


Once Upon a Time in Anatolia (2011)

Characters are crammed in an ordinary car and do ordinary things like thinking and chatting. There is silence. The purpose of their journey: locate the body of a murdered man in order to perform an autopsy. Have you given up already? Please, do not.


Pina (2011)

Wim Wenders’ beautiful documentary is a love letter to and for German choreographer Pina Bausch.


Honey PuPu

Director Hung-i Chen is back with some sort of experimental type of drama after his moderately successful short anthology of Candy Rain, this time around with a fresh batch of talent and a killer music score.


Sleeping Beauty

While not the Kubrickesque film that many expected, Julia Leigh’s Sleeping Beauty manages to present an interesting look into an unfamiliar world that will captivate some and frustrate others.


Drive (2011)

Nicolas Winding Refn presents a unique and unconventional masterpiece with his gripping film about a Hollywood stunt driver who moonlights as a getaway driver.


Jean Gentil

Jean Remy Gentil is a French teacher from Haiti who loses his job, and sets off to Santo Domingo to find anything to be able to make ends meet.


Post Mortem (Chilean Film)

A surreal romantic drama overlaid political drama set in Chile in 1973, the year in which the military staged a coup against Salvador Allende.