Tagged: matthew goode


The Year of Asian 2.0: Hallyu and More

It’s been nearly 11 years since I wrote the small piece on The Year of Asian, celebrating Yojiro Takita’s Okuribito snatching the Academy Award for Best Foreign Film and Slumdog Millionaire sweeping award season...


Juan Year of Art: 2014 Edition

Juan jokes. Don’t you love ’em. I do. So that’s why my first full year of cataloging almost everything I saw and read this year gets a Juan joke instead of one. ONE WHOLE...


YAM’s Top Films of 2014

Tusks were out, discussions on distribution dates were put on the table, and some hard lobbying was done to put our favorites forward to battle it out. As a result, though local movie distribution is still king, we have some very awesome titles sprinkled here and there for everyone’s taste.


The Fangirly Diary of a Geek Girl: Wonder women of the new world!

This week has been very slow in news and I blame all the holiday laziness on that one. Still, we still have things to report, includingwonder women new and old talking about the role~ Also, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug keeps slaying at the box office and I am glad I went and saw it again.



Those familiar with director Park Chan-wook’s style will immediately be engaged by the lush nature of his English-language debut Stoker, a coming-of-age story of a very different kind.