Tagged: genre: mystery


Mammon (Norwegian Series)

The brother of a journalist kills himself unraveling a chain of events that goes back decades and involves the most obvious and most unsuspected people.

Horns Trailer

In the aftermath of his girlfriend’s mysterious death, a young man awakens to strange horns sprouting from his temples.


Vampire Academy

Vampire Academy isn’t a complete Twilight-esque borefest thanks to the nice bond between the lead characters and a pretty good performance from Zoey Deutch. Sadly, the screenplay made the film heavy to watch on the eyes.


Mudo, El (Peruvian Film)

During a drive home, a righteous ex-judge is hit by a bullet that renders him mute, leaving him obsessing over who is trying to kill him.


Non-Stop (2014)

An air marshal with a bad reputation must stop a terrorist in a transatlantic flight who is threatening to kill passengers unless he gets $150M USD transferred into his offshore account. Is it a passenger, a crew member, one of the pilots?