Tagged: genre: folk


Crowd Lu – O La La Hu Hu

Taiwan’s favorite geek boy has released his best music video yet, the single taken from his latest album Pop Songs with Guitar (有吉他的流行歌曲) — or simply Guitar, as it’s listed on iTunes — titled with the onomatopoeic O La La Hu Hu (歐拉拉呼呼).


SingerSen – The World in my Eyes

And this is exactly where something transforms from a simple love affair to a desire to forever walk in the presence of the one you love. SingerSen’s debut is an album that’s all emotion and endless beauty.


SingerSen – Cables

SingerSen preps herself for the release of her first full-length album titled The World in my Eyes (森视界) with her latest single Cables, directed by SeenVision.


Esteman – 1er Acto

Esteman’s debut album might exceed anyone’s expectation with his mix of pop and slight electronic influences all into a flavorful Latin wrap, swiftly singing back and forth in Spanish, English and French with the best of the new Colombian music scene… without ever forgetting the incomparable Andrea Echeverri, of course.