Tagged: gallery


Mofeta & Jerre feat. Spidergods – Stockholm, Sweden 2012

Seeing Mofeta & Jerre live is pure love. There is so much energy being thrown around in the room, so much fun. Mofeta raps quickly, keeping up the high tempo all night long. Jerre plays his guitar and sweats like he is playing for his life. Add to it the amazing Spiderdogs band, all that soul, jazz and funk and this concert turned into a potpourri of music genres with a whole lot of jam.

2012 – LGBT Blogathon 73

2012 – LGBT Blogathon

Just like last year we celebrated Pride Month during the first week of June, with our first EVER LGBT Blogathon event, the YAM Magazine team is proud to announce that we’re back at it!


Kapten Röd – Stockholm, Sweden 2012

Swedish Reggae is a genre as unthinkable as German Salsa or something like that. Nevertheless, Kapten Röd (Captain Red in English) is one of the most popular new artists in Sweden right now.