Tagged: fox searchlight


Beasts of the Southern Wild

Benh Zeitlin’s debut isn’t quite the masterpiece that everyone makes it out to be, but instead a mixed bag of good and bad ideas helped along by solid performances.


Descendants, The

The Descendants stars George Clooney as Matt King, a man who attempts to re-connect with his daughters after his wife had a boating accident.


Win Win (2011)

From start to finish, Win Win is pretty much a warm, sweet indie film that benefits greatly from a strong cast and solid scripting by Thomas McCarthy, who makes the story easy for the audience to connect with the characters.


Boys Don’t Cry

Boys Don’t Cry is an American crime-romance-drama film based on the real-life story of Brandon Teena, a transgender man who falls in love with a young woman.


Black Swan

Black Swan is the story of Nina Sayers, newly elevated to the role of prima ballerina in a New York City ballet company. While she can nail the elegance required for the lead, she’s having trouble finding the passion, which director Thomas and fellow ballerina Lily try to coax before opening night.