Tagged: faye wong


Chang Shilei – I Would Say to Them

Mainland China singer composer Chang Shilei (常石磊) releases the song I Would Say to Them (对他说我愿意) as part of the upcoming Mainland China romance film, I Do (我愿意)


Top5 Worldwide Entertainment Wishes for 2011

The YAM Magazine team wishes everyone a Happy 2011 (for those of you who live on the other side of the world), and wishes a kick ass New Year’s Eve for those of you still celebrating. For this special day, these our five wishes for the upcoming year~


Too Foreign for your Own Good, Sing in English.

The recent release of BoA’s English debut, and Utada Hikaru’s 3rd English release switched on my rant button, and prompted me to search for articles on why non-English artists must release music in the language, and oftentimes ditch their native tongue, to get into their market.


YAM – Issue 003

This new issue has reviews on the Tokyo! Michel Gondry-related project, as well as Maria Larsson’s Everlasting Moments, Watchmen, and a lot of music… including an article on why international artists need to record music in English~