Sirens: Interview with SingerSen

What are your plans for 2012?


This January, I went to Switzerland to attend the 24th Mercedes-CSI in Zurich, Switzerland. Through a series of selections, the festival invited me and allowed the 40,000 audiences from the entire world at the Hallenstadion, as well as Swiss audiences to get to know me and my music. This made me very happy.

I hope to be able to have more such performing chances to share my music and performances outside of China. At the end of February, I will continue to release my second digital EP on iTunes and Amazon. I also plan to officially release my first self-composed album this year and hold a surprising performance in Beijing.

As usual, I will take a part in the design of all the details and I hope that the carefully designed stage can show who SingerSen is and what SingerSen represents. Of course, other than those, I hope to perform more since my fans have already been complaining about how my 2011 performances were few (laughs).

I didn’t know you were also in charge of your visual image! I loved the cover of Sirens and the video for Drunk.

是的,我有太多的不安分因子在身体内,也有太多的想法和强烈的表达愿望,这些特质都会使我对自己有强烈的控制欲,我要我的所有表达表现都是合乎我的理解和态度的。我会参与创作所有的我的作品,包括音乐,视频,演出,服装,视觉、平面设计产品等等,只要是可以设计的创造的,我都有兴趣。我会找我的各个方面的设计师和导演等相关人员,和他们讨论再讨论,跟他们讲我的想法和要求, 然后决定最终呈现出来的方案。比如我的logo,那只看起来像一只眼睛的图案,就是我用画笔先画出来,填上颜色,讲明意义,然后我的平面设计师最终实现出来,好多人不知道这个logo的意义,大家可以猜一猜。我的官网上可以看到这个logo。

Yes, I have a lot of energy, too many thoughts and strong wishes to express them. These traits all make me have a lot of wish for control — all my work has to express what I want and my attitudes.

I join in the creation of all my works, including music, videos, performances, costumes, visuals, designs, etc. As long as they are created and designed, I’m interested. I would find designers and directors from all fields and talk to them about my thoughts and requirements. Then have the final product.

For example, my logo may just look like a one-eyed symbol, but it was first drawn by me on paper, then colored and described to my designer, who finally created it. A lot of people don’t know the meaning of this logo, so everyone can take a guess. My official website has this logo.

Where do you draw your visual creativity from? How did the concept of the video for Drunk came up?

正如我喜欢的那些或者野蛮的,或者奇特的,或者哲学的,或者非常有历史背景的事物,我的好多想法就像一个榨汁机,把所有我爱的水果甚至泥土都放进去,最终出来的果汁就变成这样了。比如动物、植物、食物、建筑、家具、音乐、书、味道、天气、影子等等,都会引发我的想象力变成各种看得见的方式呈现出来。但可惜我还没掌握很好的电脑使用技术,我没办法把自己好多想法通过自己实现出来,只能通过笔和纸绘画出来后找合作者实现。不过我正在学习,希望不久以后我就可以靠自己实现出来了,哈哈。 但我也非常喜欢和我合作的那些家伙们,他们很专业,也很有想法很聪明,让我学习到了很多,也丰富了更多想象和创意,并且最重要的是我们彼此欣赏,这样合作起来才会很愉快和制造出大家理想化的作品。我觉得在中国,像我们这样不计较市场和个人得失,只为兴趣本身的创作态度,我们真的很了不起,很勇敢,哈哈。

Everything that I like. For example, things that are wild or strange or philosophical or historical. A lot of my thoughts are like a juicer — put in my favorite fruits or even dirt, and the juice comes out like this. Things like animals, plants, food, architecture, furniture, music, books, smells, the weather, shadows, etc., will all inspire my creativity and be expressed in various ways.

Unfortunately, I haven’t mastered using computers to express many of my thoughts and can only do so through pen and pencil while working with collaborators. But I’m learning right now and hope I’ll be able to do it myself soon (laughs).

I still like my collaborators . They’re very professional and brilliant and have taught me a lot. They also gave me even more imagination and creativity. Most importantly, we admire each other, so our collaboration is joyous and results in many ideal products. I think in China, to have people like us who don’t care about our personal gains or the market, but only create for the interest itself, we’re really amazing and brave (laughs).


YAM Magazine editor, photographer, blogger, translator and part-time web designer. Film junkie, music junkie… and lately series (a.k.a. TV) junkie.

10 Responses

  1. Camiele says:

    Ummm…. she seems like the most fun EVER! I’m defniitely gonna have to listen to her. She takes a very Icelandic approach to her music. I only say that because the Icelandic artists that I’ve listened to tend to start with nature and allow it to shape the way they make music. I love this earthiness, this organic and untouched way of creating music. It’s beautiful. And she seems just as beautiful.

    • amy says:

      @Camiele, she does. And at the same time… not. It’s a mix of Icelandic/Chinese, she does have Chinese ethnic influences in her electronic music – a little bit like Sa Dingding does, but at the same time the both of them have very distinct Chinese ethnic influences. xD

      You should def. check her out – her album review has a link for streaming. :)

  2. Stephanie Chan says:

    SingerSen is so awesome!!! Thanks for introducing me to her stuff :D Can’t stop listening to her music, and I love her style~

  3. margot says:

    omgosh, Amy. Thank you so much for this interview! It’s great. I’ve just found SingerSen not even 2 hours ago and I’m already addicted. I look forward to her full length album.. if it hasn’t been released yet, I’m still researching her. haha;;

    • amy says:

      Hi @margot, glad to see you commenting!! xD It’s easy to get addicted to SingerSen’s sound. I haven’t heard from her full length yet, but she did have a new EP out early in the year called Ghost Street.

      • margot says:

        @amy, Thanks~ I’m usually a silent reader/follower ^^;; and yes!!! I actually stumbled upon the Chinese version of Ghost Street on tumblr and it took off from there. The song Drunk and its MV really got me. They’re so unique it’s hard NOT to like it. Although I suppose it would also depend on the person who hears/sees it.

  4. Surreal18 says:

    I really like SingerSen.I’ve just discovered her music one week ago and I feel fascinated about her unique style & voice.Interesting interview.

  1. January 20, 2013

    […] more about SingerSen in her interview with Amy from YAM here and watch the MV […]

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