Screaming into the US: Interview with Hollow Jan

With the positive response you’ve received this week, do you think you’ll come back and pursue music in the US market at all?

Hwan Take: Oh, yes, sure.
All: Definitely.

Do you have a favorite performance since you’ve started the band?

Hwan Taek: I think it’s a pretty personal thing, to say which performance for all of us, but I’ve liked all the performances so far.

Do you think being in a rock band in Korea is a really difficult thing to do? What are the biggest challenges?

Bassist, Dong Jin, who shows up one question before the end because he was stuck parking the car.

Dong Jin: My initial thing, it’s really hard to live through the band. I have a full time job. [Points] He has full time job for living. In Korea, for our band, truly our music is not that popular in Korea, so it’s really hard to have harmony and combine it with other bands. Because other bands are some kind of pop. They are bright, and joyful, we are kind of gloomy and kind of talking about anger and anxiety. That’s the hardest thing.

Do you have any last words for your fans you’ve earned here in Austin?

Hwan Taek: Fuck y’all Austin!
Dong Jin: Thank you.
Hwan Taek: I love Austin.
All: Thank You.

Just last month Hollow Jan released their 2nd full-length album, Day Off. You can purchase it via iTunes. 

You can check out more about Hollow Jan here, and be sure to support them! They really deserve it!


Part-time student, full-time media whore, fan of all things Asian.

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