Julyssa and Amy LOVE: Sunny

Amy: My South Korean friend who also loved the movie said she cried a lot, but she didn’t mention much about the violence…
Julyssa: I think I am going to ask my kid brother to watch Sunny and perhaps my mum and dad as well to see how they react
Amy: I think your mom will like it, my dad said my aunt loved it hahaha
Julyssa: anyways back to talk about the movie, what won me over, made me go “micho” [crazy] as they say in Korea was Kang Sora aaahhhhhh! what a performance

Amy: I can’t explain what makes me want to watch the movie over and over again. I guess it’s very relatable even when it’s not… you know?
Julyssa: it’s all about the heart for me. Sunny has loads of heart, it just hit me in the heart. Being young, shy, the music, the friends. It’s all so relatable for everyone because that is a huge phase for every person regardless of generation
Amy: Then… how they end up as grown ups is very real too.
Julyssa: yes
Amy: a mixture of success and tragedy…
Julyssa: yes, that was so real. You couldn’t know what could happen and even if you tried to imagine it’s hard to tell, because life takes such turns sometimes
Amy: yeah, specially with someone like the book-worm with the big stick Geum-Ok or future Miss Korea Bok-hee
Julyssa: yeah, those ones hurt me to the bone
Amy: So… we know you loved Kang Sora, did you also love Chun-hwa as a grown up? Or did you have a fave grown up character?
Julyssa: I did! so bad ass and hot haha. I loved that they did the casting so well, the teens and the grown-ups looked like each other. That’s production value you don’t always get everywhere ;A;
Amy: and when they don’t… they had a funny explanation that’s so real to: “Jin-hee! I barely recognized you” xD – laughs on her face –

1 Response

  1. November 10, 2014

    […] and Julyssa LOVE Sunny over at Yam Magazine…seriously. They really love this […]

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