Category: reviews


Ulam: Main Dish

Over three years, director Alexandra Cuerdo focused her documentary Ulam (which translates to “main dish” in Tagalog) on several Filipino-American chefs and restaurant owners working to make Philippine cuisine better known and appreciated.


Phantom Thread

Phantom Thread is a slow-building movie, it takes its time to show what this story is about and who’s story is this. And to get under your skin.


Black Panther

Black Panther maintains Ryan Coogler winning streak of good movies sprinkled with social (and racial) commentary, and it also makes everyone wish Wakanda were a real place.


Lady Bird

Lady Bird is a fantastic movie and I don’t begrudge all their nominations, specially the acting ones.


Thor: Ragnarok

This has been the most fun I’ve had this year. And yet, Thor: Ragnarok gave me some food for thought hiding behind the chuckles and laugh out loud moments.