Category: film features


Stockholm Film Festival 2010

Ten days of films from all around the world, getting to fall in love with more directors and actors, indulging in interesting and heartbreaking stories. Ten days of film-loving, running around trying to watch as many as possible.


Toronto Film Festival 2010

Early September ranks right up there with Christmas thanks to the cinematic nirvana I experience at the Toronto Film Festival. 2010 marked the festival’s 35th anniversary, and my own ninth go-round of the TIFF experience.


Cary Fukunaga: A Q&A about Sin Nombre

After the Saturday screening of Sin Nombre the audience was given the opportunity to “meet and greet.” The floor was open for the audience to ask freely. Cary Fukunaga came in and he was very much in good spirits, mellow and “cool”.


Stockholm Film Festival 2009

This year was the festival’s 20th anniversary, so it was supposed to be a good one. Looking at the movie list, I must say that they didn’t disappoint. There was a great mix of movies from all over the world, although Africa was underrepresented and Asia got a bigger representation.


Blue Meteor – Yu Aoi

Whenever I read of someone discovering Yu Aoi in films, they often mention how they can never get enough of her afterward. I’ve learned to call this phenomenon the “hit-you-in-the-face-like-a-meteor” factor. It happened to me, and it keeps happening to others.


Bye-bye, Classic DVDs

A recent article by titled “Say goodbye to big screen classics” talks about the decreasing number of DVD sales and how it is affecting future releases of classical films.