Category: blog


Julyssa’s Jukebox

I list five tracks that I’ve been listening to nonstop this week. It’s a mixture of genres and music from around the world. What is currently being played in my playlist? Read and find out!

The Pass It On Experience 0

The Pass It On Experience

Well, I finally got to hear the Adam Tensta one of a kind song. You remember me telling you about it weeks ago? That is how long it took to be able to listen to it.

The Stupid Things… 0

The Stupid Things…

Okay. This is one of those moments in my life in which I’m just so completely overcome with emotion that if I don’t get it out I may very well lose my mind.

The Magic of Numbers…?! 0

The Magic of Numbers…?!

What kind of magical powers do numbers have in the realm of music? What is the source of power behind it? Adrienne has an interesting case to make in this blog post.