The Fangirly Diary of a Geek Girl: Do not go gentle against that bad fan


A curious article of Morgan Freeman saying God doesn’t exist or rather that we invented God.

So if I believe in God, and I do, it’s because I think I’m God.

That is so meta!

But I get distracted easily, and that Brit List special is still making me shiver with antici… pation! On this occasion we have an ad about the Doctor Who girls.

Anyway, the sequel for Snow White and the Huntsman is confirmed… well, the ending was kinda unsatisfying, but I thought the movie wasn’t doing that well at the box office?

Also there’s the rumor about Angelina Jolie directing a movie about 50 Shades of Grey. Ugh, that waste of paper. And it’s not because it’s porn. It’s because it’s terrible porn. I’ve seen better written porn in fanfiction… and that porn didn’t kill trees. Ok, I shall stop writing the word “porn”. Right now.

Oh look, a Dredd poster and a couple of pictures… Here’s to hoping this Dredd movie won’t become a guilty pleasure but something I can watch with pride… or at least withouth shame.

Finally, some pics that Gwyneth Platrow tweeted on  the Iron Man 3 set. One of her in her make-up trailer and another of her with RDJ!

And that’s it. Good news, sad news and interesting news. In light of a bit of news regarding the Marvel movies and its poor harrassed stars (or at least the one), here’s a nice fanvideo called Bad Romance x Avengers.

So… I want your love and I want your avenge? Farewell!


YAM Magazine geek resident. Cloud Cuckoolander. Seldom web developer. Graphic designer.

4 Responses

  1. Camiele says:

    Firstly… HOMG JUDGE DREDD’S COMING BACK?!?!?!?!? *fangirly spazz fangirly spazz*

    Secondly, Morgan Freeman = BAWS… FACT!

    Thirdly, they’ve already done a mad for TV remake of It and the original was just a waste of life and oxygen (I mean, after you get over the mental paralysis of seeing a creepy ass Tim Curry playing Pennywise the Clown). I HOPE this adaptation isn’t a steaming pile of whodunit!

    Yet again, your fangirliness has given me much to squee (and this time, lament) over. LUFF YOU!!!

  2. amy says:

    Ok, I’m gonna spazz out at the Bad Guys anonymous reunion on the Wreck-It Ralph trailer. LOL

  3. boo bad fan
    lol “good fan”

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