The Fangirly Diary of a Geek Girl: Between the detective and the deep blue god


I knew it. I knew they just put newly-outed Alan Scott with a boyfriend just so the poor guy could get killed for a “dramatic origin story”. Well, it’s a refreshing reminder that women are not the only ones that get stuffed in the fridge. Oh well, I still wanna know what happens next.

Hey, it is Independence Day for the US, guys! And one article recounts how ironic it is that nowadays their female citizens are defenceless agains the sexy male Englishmen and their seductive accent. Not only the US girls, let me tell you that~

So Benedict Cumberbatch had an interview for InStyle UK, which spread over the internet like wild fire. What you mostly get about it is these:

1. He did some voice recording for The Simpsons. [1] Yay!

2. He believes in not being an ass and treating people well. Even if it’s in order to not “burn bridges” [1].

3. Also, cumberbitches no more [1]:

I wish my 15-year-old self had known about my allure to the opposite sex! It’s flattering, though I worry about what it says for feminism, it’s quite a pejorative term… Cumberbabes might be better.

4. He wants to be a father before he hits 40… that I can help with~

Also, the rumors of him playing The Master for Doctor Who‘s 50th anniversary are still strong.

Oh yeah, the Hemsworths are vacationing in Spain… And watching Chris with his huge muscles cradding his tiny little baby girl is doing things to my estrogen levels…

THINGS, I tell you!


The Amazing Spider-Man stuff have come! Here’s a gallery of the concept art. The pretty concept art!

Also, watch Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone being all cute in El Hormiguero.

Once more, it was an excellent decision to follow Luke Windsor on Twitter. Here’s a cool link of a behind the scenes of Henry IV and Henry V with Tom Hiddleston and Jeremy Irons for BBC Breakfast.

And then, the finals of the Anglo Fan Favourite: Men of the 2012. OMG, it’s Hiddlestoners vs. Cumberbitches (ok, Cumberbabes)… It’s the Sherlocked girls vs. Loki’s Army! It’s a Tumblr Civil War! The Tumblrpocalypse!

Already there’s #CumberbatchVS Hiddleston on Twitter. Some people are choosing sides, some sit on the fence, some are eating popcorn. Who will win the Battle of the Cheekbones? Right now, Hiddles is winning, but by a small margin. Be brave, fangirls! Be brave!


YAM Magazine geek resident. Cloud Cuckoolander. Seldom web developer. Graphic designer.

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