Amy’s Blast from the Past: Tributo al Rock Peruano

I was updating my iTunes library, when I found the MP3 version of this tribute to Peruvian rock music performed by Los Nosequien y los Nosecuantos (often abbreviated as Los NSQ y los NSC) at the Festival Internacional del Cusco (Cuzco International Festival) organized by cerveza Cusqueña… according to the year I could find — in 2004.

  1. Frágil – Av. Larco (Larco Ave.) [MV]
  2. Arena Hash – Me Resfrié en Brasil (I Got the Flu in Brasil) [MV]
  3. Miki González – Vamos a Tocache (Let’s Go to Tocache) [MV]
  4. Río – La Universidad (Cosa de Locos) (University (A Fool’s Thing) [MV]
  5. Ivonne y los Mercantiles – Sin Parar (Without Stopping) [clip]

Despite the commercial success of some Peruvian bands in other Latin American countries, starting with Libido [Tres, MV] and maybe continuing with Zen [Quédate, MV],  TK [Inminente Conjuncion, MV], and Cementerio Club [Inmortales, MV], our local rock scene (internationally) is in a state of just being since the early millennium, even if bands like Mar de Copas [Suna, MV] and 6 Voltios [Eres Todo Para Mi, MV] have an overall “big” fanbase of Rock Peruano fans from within.

In any case, Plus TV’s Jammin’ Sessions has already had some of these guys’ over for performances of Av. Larco [clip], Me Resfrié en Brasil [clip] — sadly, Pedro Suarez Vertiz is suffering from dysarthria and it’s very noticeable in the performance — and Vamos a Tocache [clip].


YAM Magazine editor, photographer, blogger, translator and part-time web designer. Film junkie, music junkie… and lately series (a.k.a. TV) junkie.

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