Tagged: year: 2013


Horns (2013)

Ig Perrish’s girlfriend has been recently raped and murdered, but he’s being accused of commiting the crime. To make matters worse for Ig, one day he wakes up and notices that devil-like horns has sprouted from his forehead. As he figures how they actually work, Ig is determined to find who really killed Merrin before things take a turn for the worse.


15 Movies for Cinema Fanatic: A Year with Women

Our dear Marya Gates is embarking on an outstanding journey that many of us thought could be impossible- spending 2015 JUST watching films directed, written, co-directed or co-written by women. So I took the chance to make a list because I LUVVVV lists.


Juan Year of Art: 2014 Edition

Juan jokes. Don’t you love ’em. I do. So that’s why my first full year of cataloging almost everything I saw and read this year gets a Juan joke instead of one. ONE WHOLE...


#DoubleFeature: Girls Who Rock~

LukasMoodysson’s We Are the Best (Vi Är Bäst) NobuhiroYamashita’s Linda Linda Linda (リンダ リンダ リンダ) ft. Doona Bae <3


Lucia (Kannada Film)

Unable to sleep at night, a man takes a new sleeping pill, known as Lucia, that will blur the line of dreams and reality.


Son Lux – Easy (NSFW)

Son Lux has just released the music video for Easy, another extract of their 2013 album Lanterns, directed by David Terry Fine featuring New York artist Carolyn Weltman life-drawing and sketching bondage scenes by MacK & Seraphine.