Tagged: vin diesel


YAM’s Top Films of 2014

Tusks were out, discussions on distribution dates were put on the table, and some hard lobbying was done to put our favorites forward to battle it out. As a result, though local movie distribution is still king, we have some very awesome titles sprinkled here and there for everyone’s taste.


YAM’s Most Anticipated Films of 2014

We took a little longer to get together and talk about the movies we wanted to watch this 2014… but here they are in all their glory. Over 60 films were in contention, but only 15 got the most votes.


The Fangirly Diary of a Geek Girl: Wonder women of the new world!

This week has been very slow in news and I blame all the holiday laziness on that one. Still, we still have things to report, includingwonder women new and old talking about the role~ Also, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug keeps slaying at the box office and I am glad I went and saw it again.