Tagged: lgbt blogathon


Score (1974)

A look at Radley Metzger’s adult film from the early seventies that explores sexuality better than most modern films do.


An Ode To The Best Ship Ever: YunJae

Oh, YunJae, how I sailed on your magnificent ship of sought-out love, painful truths and delusional fantasies. The delusions were great, the fangirls many and the fics racy.


Interview with James Erich

I got a chance to ask James Erich, author of Seidman, a few questions about his thoughts on young adult fiction, his love of Norse mythology, and his duck-hunting best friend.


The Importance of Kim Jho Kwang-Soo

The way director Kim Jho Kwang-Soo keeps pushing LGBT issues in the Korean entertainment business makes me happy — he at least makes a small place where other homosexual individuals can find a bit of a refuge as well as pushing for the acceptance of LGBT individuals.