Tagged: hans zimmer


Chappie (2015)

When his quest for a true free-will conscious program is over, engineer Deon Wilson secretly tests it on a police robot that’s been recently damaged on the field, resulting in the child-like Chappie.


Juan Year of Art: 2014 Edition

Juan jokes. Don’t you love ’em. I do. So that’s why my first full year of cataloging almost everything I saw and read this year gets a Juan joke instead of one. ONE WHOLE...


YAM’s Top Films of 2014

Tusks were out, discussions on distribution dates were put on the table, and some hard lobbying was done to put our favorites forward to battle it out. As a result, though local movie distribution is still king, we have some very awesome titles sprinkled here and there for everyone’s taste.



Interstellar is a movie everybody should watch. And if you like beautifully depicted crazy science and well acted family drama, you will enjoy this film.

Blomkamp’s Chappie Trailer

Chappie is about all the shenanigans that happen after a robot is discovered to have child-like curiosity, innocence and other characteristics, which threatens what humans perceived as the norm.


Amazing Spider-Man 2, The

What makes Marc Webb’s take on Spider-Man still enjoyable to watch is mostly due to its cast and the relationship between Gwen Stacy and Peter Parker.