Tagged: genre: fusion


Shiina Ringo – Arikitari na Onna

Artist extraordinaire Shiina Ringo has just released a new single titled Arikitari na Onna (ありきたりな女, Une Femme Ordinaire or An Ordinary Woman) with an accompanying (short) PV directed by Yuichi Kodama.


Rodrigo’s Top 10 Unexpected Songs To Hear In 2013 Films

I had this type of concept in my head earlier during this year when watching one of the Academy Awards Best Picture nominees because one song heard during said film was totally unexpected for me. However, the viewing of a certain foreign film finally pushed me into doing this.


Red Hot + Bach

How well have the tracks in the compilation album Red Hot + Bach fared in ‘contemporarilizing’ this leading Baroque composer’s music? Read on as Adrienne shares a piece of her mind with you.