Tagged: dev patel


The Year of Asian 2.0: Hallyu and More

It’s been nearly 11 years since I wrote the small piece on The Year of Asian, celebrating Yojiro Takita’s Okuribito snatching the Academy Award for Best Foreign Film and Slumdog Millionaire sweeping award season...


Lion Trailer

A man who got separated from his birth mother in India traces back on the few memories he had left.


Chappie (2015)

When his quest for a true free-will conscious program is over, engineer Deon Wilson secretly tests it on a police robot that’s been recently damaged on the field, resulting in the child-like Chappie.

Blomkamp’s Chappie Trailer

Chappie is about all the shenanigans that happen after a robot is discovered to have child-like curiosity, innocence and other characteristics, which threatens what humans perceived as the norm.

Newsroom, The – Season 1 0

Newsroom, The – Season 1

Aaron Sorkin’s The Newsroom is a show about a group of people who work on a cable show called News Night that, unfortunately, is a pretty big mess.


YAM – Issue 002

Happy V-day! ~ not that I celebrate or anything, that’s why I bring you a non-Valentine YAM issue. Our second issue, in fact! We’ve kept styles, and we’ve changed a bit of content this time around. More reviews, NO news whatsoever…