Juan: A Life in Movies

Just as Amy, Marya, and Rodrigo already did, I’ll be making my choices of one film per year beginning with my birth in 1991. This definitely wasn’t an easy task for me, and I had to make a few sacrifices, but this was definitely a great experience and plenty of fun to compile.

1991 – Hook

This is pretty much one of my favorite Neverland-centered films and even though it came out when I was born, I always saw reruns on the TV and owned a VHS copy. Plus, it’s Steven Spielberg and almost everything he does is worth watching.

1992 – Husbands and Wives

Woody Allen creates a genuine atmosphere with this movie, and leaves you with a hilarious and simple film that definitely makes for one of his best pictures of the nineties. Judy Davis plays her role flawlessly and makes the character her own.

1993 – The Piano

Jane Campion really knows how to bring a stunning story out with an absolutely gorgeous movie. Everyone’s performance in this is excellent, especially Holly Hunter and Anna Paquin. Even Sam Neill, who also starred in another favorite the same year, Jurassic Park, delivers plenty to the table along with Harvey Keitel.

1994 – Heavenly Creatures

I was blown away by this fantastic story of two young girls, written and directed by Peter Jackson — one of my favorite directors. The performances by Winslet and Lynskey are marvelous and truly make this movie the hidden gem that it is.

1995 – Casino

Exquisite directing and stunning performances that leave us with an excellent film about greed and corruption. And who can resist any movie where Marty and De Niro work together?

1996 – Fargo

The perfect amount of comedy, suspense, and violence. Macy and McDormand are truly the stars of this one, but the entire cast really knows exactly what they’re doing, especially Buscemi, who never disappoints. Ever since I saw it, I’ve considered it the Coen’s real masterpiece and it’ll remain with that title for a long time in my eyes.

1997 – The Game

One of the most criminally underrated films of the decade. Michael Douglas is spectacular in this, and it’s one of my favorite Fincher films. It keeps the suspense pumping and truly keeps you guessing, bending your mind and peaking your curiosity from beginning to end.

1998 – You’ve Got Mail

I’m a sucker for romantic comedies, especially ones with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. They have perfect chemistry and I will argue that to death. Whether he’s sleepless in Seattle or she’s running a shop around the corner — they make it work.

1999 – Magnolia

Paul Thomas Anderson’s masterpiece. How every single person who worked on this film doesn’t have an Oscar in their hands for this is honestly mind-blowing to me. It’s a gorgeous, emotional, and powerful film that truly has a high place in my heart.

Juan Barquin

Just yer average twenty-something college student with no time on his hands who ends up watching (and writing) too many movies and shows for his own good.

3 Responses

  1. love this list! I was so hoping someone would do Hook! but but but Moulin Rouge! should have the exclamation point. it’s part of the official title!

  2. also also, I thought you would have L.A. Confidential for 1997. and I think it’s “Cristina” and not “Christina”

    • Juan Barquin says:

      @Cinema Fanatic, haha I may love L.A. Confidential, but The Game is just so overlooked I couldn’t help myself. And oh god you’re right on “Cristina” and I hate myself for not adding the ! on Moulin Rouge

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