Category: blog


Juan Year of Art: 2014 Edition

Juan jokes. Don’t you love ’em. I do. So that’s why my first full year of cataloging almost everything I saw and read this year gets a Juan joke instead of one. ONE WHOLE...


#DoubleFeature: Girls Who Rock~

LukasMoodysson’s We Are the Best (Vi Är Bäst) NobuhiroYamashita’s Linda Linda Linda (リンダ リンダ リンダ) ft. Doona Bae <3


The Fangirly Diary of a Geek Girl: Crimson peek!

Greetings, fellow fangirls and fanboys! This week we have our first look of a movie I am very much looking forward to! Also, cool comicbook covers, more comicbook adaptations to TV, casting news and I saw The Hobbit again! But I digress, here’s how the week started:


The Fangirly Diary of a Geek Girl: One Last Time!

This week was a Hobbit filled week, starting from me actually watching the last movie~ But besides that we stuff on Agent Carter which will soon premiere, and of course the Sony Hack which is the gift that keeps giving!