Samir – Dobareh

So this is what randomly happens when I search for videos sometimes.

If you’ll recall, the last time it was me searching for news about Rafa Nadal and stumbling upon M.I.C. Today, I was searching for JYJ videos, and lo and behold, I come up with Persian pop. And, man am I ever happy I did. Samir (سمیر) has a nice voice, but the beat to this song, titled Dobareh (دوباره) which can mean “again,” “anew” or “fresh” is incredible.

The video is also great fun, basically a man in a car, sweeping camera landscapes, and lots and LOTS of dancing.

Honestly, I have no idea how things like this happen to me. It just goes to show you, you never know what you’re gonna get when you click search.

Director: Ravi
Album: Hedieh
Label: Taraneh Records
Music & Arrangement: Payam Shams
Lyrics: Payam Shams, Yalda


As unexpected as my path was to loving all things weird, more unexpected is my ability to get attention for writing about the stuff.

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