100th post: 100 of my favorite things

SONGS (part I)

This is mostly about my personal ear worms. Songs that got stuck in my head and haven’t left yet. In fact, now that I am listing them I am sure going to be humming them for the rest of the day (or week). They usually come from movies and the internet. Since they take so much space, we’ll break them in two.

Bilbo Bagging HatesThe Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Be Prepared The Lion King

Complete History Of The Soviet Union, Arranged To The Melody Of Tetris – Pig with the Face of a Boy

Enormous Penis – Da Vinci’s Notebook

I’ll Make a Man out of You – Mulan


YAM Magazine geek resident. Cloud Cuckoolander. Seldom web developer. Graphic designer.

2 Responses

  1. I still have the Dinosaurs tv toys from McDonalds in storage somewhere.

    The Storyteller! I had a weird experience with that because I read (and reread) the book compilation of the stories first before finally watching the TV show.

    whoa, I had the Lion King soundtrack tape casette constantly playing in the car when I was growing up.

    nice to see your choices!

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