Author: Juan Barquin

opinion posts from yam writers.


Juan Year of Art: 2014 Edition

Juan jokes. Don’t you love ’em. I do. So that’s why my first full year of cataloging almost everything I saw and read this year gets a Juan joke instead of one. ONE WHOLE...


Orange is the New Black Recap, 201 : “Thirsty Bird”

With “Thirsty Bird,” Kohan and Foster offer the season a smart start, even if the back-half of the episode isn’t as strong as the way it kicks off. It’s not an episode everyone will love, but it’s essential for sealing another chapter of the Piper/Alex story, and reminding us that Piper’s privilege only stretches so far.


Star Trek Into Blandness

Plenty of critics and fans alike have been drawn to J.J. Abrams’ latest addition to the Star Trek series like a moth to a flame, and I just can’t wrap my head around why everyone is allowing themselves to be burned by a film of this sort.